Kobiza Latest Questions

Emmanuel Elikplim
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Is a accommodation allowance part of the national service personnels’ allowance

Is a accommodation allowance part of the national service personnels’ allowance

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  1. Payment of allowance to service personnel shall made in the below manner: 1. NSS personnel shall be entitled to the payment of monthly allowances, the level of which shall be determined by the Ministry of Finance.  2. Payment of allowance to NSS personnel shall be calculated from the date the servicRead more

    Payment of allowance to service personnel shall made in the below manner: 1. NSS personnel shall be entitled to the payment of monthly allowances, the level of which shall be determined by the Ministry of Finance.  2. Payment of allowance to NSS personnel shall be calculated from the date the service person reports for duty and or begins work for the first time at his/her place of posting.  3. NSS personnel posted to schools and colleges under the Ghana Education Service, Ministry, Government Department and establishments shall be paid from funds lodged with the government treasuries by the NSS secretariat.  4. NSS personnel posted to statutory Boards, corporation and churches or quasi-church organizations shall be paid by those establishment from their own research.  5. NSS personnel posted to private companies shall be paid their allowance by those companies. In addition, the companies will pay a service charge equivalent to 20% of their basic service allowance monthly by payment order to the Executive Director, National Service secretariat. Posting of personnel to these institutions will be made on an understanding of the acceptance of this condition by these institutions. However, private educational institutions shall be exempted from paying this percentage to the secretariat.

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