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Congenital anomalies of the penis

Congenital anomalies of the penis

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  1. ehoneahobed Eminent Member I am the Africapreneur. Finding solutions to African-based problems through software development is my dream

    Some of the congenital anomalies of the penis include: 1. Aphallia: Agenesis of penis caused by failure in embryologic development of genital tubercle 2. Chordae: Fibrous band associated with hypospadias or epispadias that causes bending of penis 3. Concealed penis: Also called hidden or buried peniRead more

    Some of the congenital anomalies of the penis include:
    1. Aphallia: Agenesis of penis caused by failure in embryologic development of genital tubercle

    2. Chordae: Fibrous band associated with hypospadias or epispadias that causes bending of penis

    3. Concealed penis: Also called hidden or buried penis
    Penis is normally developed but hidden under fat in suprapubic region, scrotum, perineum and thigh
    May be complication of circumcision

    4. Diphallia: Duplication of penis

    5. Epispadias: Urethra opens onto dorsal surface of penis

    6. Hypospadias: Urethra opens onto ventral surface of penis or scrotum

    7. Micropenis: Penis small but normal ratio of shaft length to circumference

    8. Torsion: Fibrous tissue surrounding corpus spongiosum or short urethra causes rotational defect of penile shaft

    9. Webbed penis: Scrotal skin extends to ventral portion of penis and hides it

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