Kobiza Latest Questions

Emmanuel Elikplim
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Does the counseling in Ghanaian University cater for only academic or other issues like relationships, spirituality and the likes?

Does the counseling in Ghanaian University cater for only academic or other issues like relationships, spirituality and the likes?

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  1. The roles of guidance and counseling are: 1. Counsels individual students and provides group education and vocational guidance.   2. Assists individual students with personal problems; social, emotional, etc.   3. Assist with personal development.  4. Advises on job application and interviews.  5. MRead more

    The roles of guidance and counseling are:

    1. Counsels individual students and provides group education and vocational guidance.   2. Assists individual students with personal problems; social, emotional, etc.   3. Assist with personal development.  4. Advises on job application and interviews.  5. May engage in psychological testing and other testing.

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