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How can I free up disk space on my computer since my hard disk is red and I don’t see what is taking up the space?

How can I free up disk space on my computer since my hard disk is red and I don’t see what is taking up the space?

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  1. Getting a message that your PC is running out of room can be a stressful event—or, even a genuine emergency if you're in the middle of an important project. The good news is you can probably free up a lot of space on your PC running Windows by following the tips here. But if you keep getting messageRead more

    Getting a message that your PC is running out of room can be a stressful event—or, even a genuine emergency if you’re in the middle of an important project. The good news is you can probably free up a lot of space on your PC running Windows by following the tips here. But if you keep getting messages about low drive space, you might want to consider other options, including adding additional removable storage.
    you can try this to free out space
    Check the current space on your PC
    Use Disk Cleanup
    Uninstall desktop apps you no longer need
    Uninstall Windows Store apps you no longer need
    Archive or delete files you’re no longer using
    Reduce the size of the WinSxS folder
    Make OneDrive files online-only
    To make files online-only using the OneDrive app
    To make files online-only using File Explorer
    Move your OneDrive files to a removable drive
    Add more storage

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