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Is it right for boys to sexual hassement ladies in universities?

Is it right for boys to sexual hassement ladies in universities?

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  1. Isaac Gyan Trusted Member Geographer, Sports Man and Firefighter.

    Sexual harassment has become very rampant on various campuses. Most victims are unable to report incidences of such for the culprit to be dealt with. Most institutions have laid down procedures to deal with culprits. IT IS NOT GOOD TO SEXUALLY HARASS A FEMALE STUDENT ON CAMPUS. I believe the universRead more

    Sexual harassment has become very rampant on various campuses. Most victims are unable to report incidences of such for the culprit to be dealt with. Most institutions have laid down procedures to deal with culprits. IT IS NOT GOOD TO SEXUALLY HARASS A FEMALE STUDENT ON CAMPUS. I believe the university or tertiary is a place for mature people. If you are in love with someone and want to make any further advances let her understand. Build that mutual understanding between the two of you rather than doing what is not needed.

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