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Explain how temperature affect resistivity

Explain how temperature affect resistivity

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  1. Isaac Gyan Trusted Member Geographer, Sports Man and Firefighter.

    The general rule is resistivity increases with increasing temperature in conductors and decreases with increasing temperature in insulators. ... Thus when temperature goes up, resistance goes up. For some materials, resistivity is a linear function of temperature. Heating a metal conductor makes itRead more

    The general rule is resistivity increases with increasing temperature in conductors and decreases with increasing temperature in insulators. … Thus when temperature goes up, resistance goes up. For some materials, resistivity is a linear function of temperature.
    Heating a metal conductor makes it more difficult for electricity to flow through it. These collisions cause resistance and generate heat. … Heating the metal conductor causes atoms to vibrate more, which in turn makes it more difficult for the electrons to flow, increasing resistance.

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What is formula for converting Kelvin (K) to degrees celcius (°C)?

What is formula for converting Kelvin (K) to degrees celcius (°C)?

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  1. Isaac Gyan Trusted Member Geographer, Sports Man and Firefighter.

    K-273.15= •C Where K = Kelvin.

    K-273.15= •C
    Where K = Kelvin.

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