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What does ” 192″ mean in an IP addresses and what is it?

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What does ” 192″ mean in an IP addresses and what is it?


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  1. All IP addresses are binary to computers and switching equipment. To make it easier for carbon-based life forms, the 32 bits in IPv4 address is spilt into 4 groups of 8 bits, then each group is convert to decimal, and each of the 4 numbers is separate by a "dot". This form of the address is called"Read more

    All IP addresses are binary to computers and switching equipment. To make it easier for carbon-based life forms, the 32 bits in IPv4 address is spilt into 4 groups of 8 bits, then each group is convert to decimal, and each of the 4 numbers is separate by a “dot”. This form of the address is called” dotted quarter notation.” Thus, is actual 11000000101010000000000000000001.

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