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How much does a house officer in doctor of pharmacy receive as salary?

How much does a house officer in doctor of pharmacy receive as salary?

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  1. Doctor who graduated from medical school, are required to undergo a two year housemanship program. Doctors doing their housemanship are called house officers. Housemanship is very important aspect of medical and dental training, a period during which the trainer acquires the most basic, but crucial,Read more

    Doctor who graduated from medical school, are required to undergo a two year housemanship program.

    Doctors doing their housemanship are called house officers.

    Housemanship is very important aspect of medical and dental training, a period during which the trainer acquires the most basic, but crucial, clinical skills to lay the foundation on which to build his/her professional medical/dental career.

    Duties of a house officer include all professional duties assigned to him or her by the consultant/specialist or the Resident/medical officer of the team.

    They perform basic clinical roles such as prescribing medications, giving medical advice to patients, assisting surgical operations and other related service.

    A house officer earns an average gross salary of GHS 6,547.27


    1. Social security contribution employee = GHS 140.03

    2. Ghana Medical Association Fund Deduction = GHS 200.00

    3. Income Tax = GHS 1007.25

    4. Ghana Medical Association dues = GHS 60.00




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